The Amazing Change Resources, information, and events in modern abolition with emphasis on young people becoming
involved in service learning projects. This organization provides motivation
and resources for creating action groups, attending events, and avenues for pursuing further involvement in ending slavery.
Casa Alianza (Espaňol) Casa Alianza es una asociación no lucrativa que trabaja en beneficio
de la niñez desamparada y en riesgo social las 24 horas del día, 365 días al año. Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua. In English: non profit organization that works to benefit homeless children and kids in social risk 24
hours a day, 365 days a year.
Central Asia Institute Promotes and provides community-based education and literacy, especially
for girls, in remote mountains of Central Asia. Schools looking for specific activities aimed at raising awareness about
their ability to take a role in global scale change should see the Pennies for Peace project.
Changemakers This website is both a resource and network for creating innovative projects that promote
positive change in society.
Child Labor Coalition This website targets child labor as a leading violation of human rights and provides
information and more networking resources for research.
Free the Children Founded by 12 year old Kielburger 10+ years
ago, this organization is the largest network of children helping children around the world to end slavery and conditions
that lead to slavery. Kielburger has received three nominations for the Nobel
Peace Prize. Students can find a variety of resources for creating action groups,
events, and various ways to contribute to abolition movements.
Free the Slaves
A D.C. based organization that provides information and access to other organizations such as the ones listed here,
in order to educate and motivate local and international communities to end slavery worldwide.
Includes pictures and slave stories.
Global Campaign for Education Network of educators
and non-government organizations that provides information about obstacles to education, with emphasis on the campaign
to provide equal access to education for children in developing nations (especially girls and children in poverty).
Global Movement for the Child Network of
organizations and individuals that promote awareness and involvement in taking action to support child rights. Affiliation: World Fit for Children Campaign to empower young people around the world to influence policy makers in their
Human Rights Watch
- Access to education
- Child slavery
- Investigation: why hasn’t
the US ratified this, what does it take, what has occurred?
Campaign for US Ratification of The Rights of the Child
U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Hearing on U.S. Ratification of the Optional
Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child
iEARN Part of your
project can be outreach to students in other countries. Provide print
outs of emails or discussions you have about this topic! For ideas:
Against Scholar Failure
Breaking the Silence: The Trans-Atlantic
Slave Trade Project
· Child Labour Project
International Fair Trade Association Look here for resources on this year’s World Fair Trade Day (May 12)
theme: Kids Need Fair Trade. Make
this part of your message! Plan an event!
International Justice Mission (Free membership) A human rights agency that rescues victims of violence,
sexual exploitation, slavery, and oppression.
International Labour Organization is a United Nations specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally
recognized human and labour rights.
Listen Up! Want to create
a video for your project? Want others across the US to see it? Check out Adobe
Youth Voices Initiative at
Network for Peace Through Dialogue, Crossing Boundaries: Youth
in Dialogue about the Rights of the Child This is the Youth Component of the Network
’s Communities in Dialogue Program. It links youth groups across cities, nations and continents so that they
can learn ways of empowering themselves to promote the rights of children.
Protection Project The goal of the Protection Project is to research
and document the global scope of the problem of trafficking in persons and, through the dissemination of relevant and timely
information, to influence policy and practice in the war against trafficking.
Shopper “Co-O p America” “Watchdog” organization that monitors major businesses and work place conditions around the
world. This organization issues warnings about familiar brand name manufacturers
that are known to purchase goods from sweatshops or other slave labor conditions (such as J. Crew). Kids can also use “Don’t Buy It!” from at to learn more about how media and commercials influence pop culture.
Also see Transfair USA (below) for listings of retailers certified as "fair traders."
Rugmark Foundation Organization to end child labor in the carpet factories of South Asia.
TransfairUSA The only third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the US (one of 20 International
organizations). Certifies and lists retailers that sell Fair Trade food items: click here here a listing.
United Nations International Emergency Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Part of the United Nations, UNICEF investigates
conditions in countries that violate basic rights of women and children. This
web link provides resources and facts about education issues in developing countries.